Farmer Awareness

We run Farmer Awareness Program organize in different villages in our area.

The basic objective of the farmer awareness programmes was to give exposure to the Indian farmers on various agricultural marketing reforms, modern agriculture techniques, direct dealing, group production, and interface with the experts of commodities specialist.

We have expertise employees who go to village to give the awareness to the farmers and provide them information about how they can use the different agriculture techniques and increase their crop production and also give them market status and reports so that they can directly sell the crops to the market.


Soil Health

Soil health is state of soil meeting range of ecosystem functions as appropriate to environment.

In more logical terms, the health of soil arises from favorable interactions of all soil components that belong together, as in microbiota, plants and animals.

Ammr agro provides service related to soil testing and help farmers for getting soil health card under Government of India scheme.

Our employee are well trained for soil sampling and use Krishi Vikas Kendra (KVK) for collecting soil sample. Our employee provide recommendations based on soil report to improve soil health.

Soil health card with fertilizer recommendation for various crops are issued to the farmers all over Saurastra region of Gujarat state.

Soil Testing

Soil testing involves collecting soil samples, preparation for analysis, chemical or physical analysis, interpretation of analysis results, and finally making fertilizer and lime recommendations for the crops.

Our Employees will provide the knowledge to the farmers so they will get to know why soil testing is important for the farming activities.

Our employee will increase the awareness of the soil testing that each farmers can get ready made information on soil facility of their soil for fertilizers recommendation & for crop planning in succeeding year.

Ecological water sampling

Water Testing

Water is the main important part of the agriculture. Without water the farmer can not grow the seeds and harvest the crops.

The water used for agricultural purposes is tested on parameters such as salinity, presence of sodium, and calcium which determine the water infiltration rate. Certain toxic ions and the presence of excessive yield-reducing nutrients are also tested.

Electrical conductivity and pH are two characteristics of water quality that can be tested periodically at the growing facility. This helps the grower get an indication of the consistency of the water supply and check the results of treatments to reduce pH or soluble salts.

Electrical conductivity meters are generally more expensive than pH meters. However, they are very useful for testing water quality and media fertilizer levels during crop growth.

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